On August 23rd 2015 I received a call from my doctor telling me I had Breast Cancer. At first, I was overwhelmed with fear and questioning how could this be possible, since there was no one in my family that ever had breast cancer. The next thing I was worried about was, while in treatment, how am I going to pay my bills if I can't work. Being a freelance artist, I was hoping for some help financially, for some bills, and transportation while in treatment. When I was told by one funding organization, that I should move out of my apartment and live with my 83 year old father, at that moment, my fear started to fade,

I became my own warrior, and I started PAINT US PINK,


I want to thank my friends, family, and all the wonderful caring people that came out to support my fight  Oct 18th.  At The Cutting Room NYC. There was such love and emotion in the room. The videos of support from Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Ferguson brought us all to tears. Rita Cosby was the perfect guest host. I am so grateful. The generosity will help tremendously. Let us keep the funding program going. And then I will personally give my all to help other women in the arts in treatment.


Since this is all so new, and I still have a year and a half of chemotherapy treatments, surgery, radiation, and then another chemotherapy for a year, donations with help me pay my enormous bills while in treatment. Thereafter, my plans are to collect funds to help woman in the arts while in treatment.

It is so very hard to focus on healing while struggling with financial issues. Hopefully this will alleviate a lot of the burden, and take that area of stress off.

We all need support and love through these times. I'm hoping this will help a bit.



"Take a deep breath, and focus on your health, your creative mind and your recovery." KM

Times Square Gossip Article, by James Edstrom         click here to see full article               

Steve Walter, Rita Cosby, Kathrina Miccio, Susan Hathaway

                                      Photo credit  James Edstrom